Nano Technology | Overview Scope, Applications

Nano Technology


The nanoscale is defined as one that has a size or dimensions of 100 nanometers or less.

Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and the manipulation of materials on atomic macromolecular, molecular, and macromolecular scales in which properties are different in comparison to those at a greater scale.

Nanotechnology: the development of, characterization, production, and use of structures, devices, and systems that control shape and size on the nanoscale.

Nanomaterial: material that has one or more dimensions externally as well as an inner structure that could display unique characteristics when compared with the same material that does not have nanoscale characteristics.

Nanoparticle is a particle that has several dimensions on the nanoscale. (Note in this report, nanoparticles are deemed to be having two or more dimensions on the nanoscale).


Nanocomposite: a composite in which each of its phases has at the very least one dimension at the nanoscale.

Use of Nano technology in various Fields

Let’s discuss the use of Nanotechnology in various areas.

Nanotechnology is employed in the following areas of Science The following are the fields of Science:

  • Surface science
  • Organic chemical
  • The molecular biology
  • Physics of Semiconductor
  • Microfabrication
  • Molecular engineering, etc.

Nano technology can also be used for the following reasons:

  • The production of sunscreens and cosmetics.
  • Packaging of food items (Silver nanoparticles are used for food packaging)
  • In the clothing
  • In household and disinfectants, e.g. Silver Nano
  • The carbon nanotubes are used (for stain-resistant fabrics)
  • Treatment of diseases as well as prevention of health problems (Nano-medicine)
  • In different industries
  • Purification processes are used to purify the air.
  • For applications for environmental cleaning
  • Desalination of water
  • In the process of water filtration
  • In the treatment of wastewater
  • In the treatment of groundwater
  • Also , it is used in military products Nano-machining of Nano-wires construction materials, etc.

Terms used in Nano technology

In terms of their applications here are the main words used within Nanotechnology. Science of Nanotechnology –

  • Nano-medicine
  • Nano-biotechnology
  • Nanoart
  • Green nanotechnology
  • Nanotechnology is used in industrial applications.
  • Nanotechnology can be used to improve energy efficiency.
  • Carbon nanotubes have potential applications

Nano technology and manufacturing

Nano technology has already made revolutionary materials that can transform many manufacturing processes.

For instance, nanotubes as well as nanoparticles are tubes or particles with atoms only a few across, as well as aerogels, substances made of extremely thin and strong substances with incredible insulating properties, can help in the development of breakthrough techniques and better products.

Furthermore robots that are just small in size known as nanobots and Nano factories can help in the creation of new materials and even objects.

The use of nanotechnology for energy generation

Nanotechnology is likely to change the way of how we get and utilize energy. In particular, it’s probable that nanotechnology can enable solar power to be more affordable through reducing the price of making solar panels and the related equipment.

Storage devices for energy will become more efficient due to this. Nanotechnology also opens up new methods for generating and conserving energy.


Nanotechnology for Electronics and Computing

The field of electronics is expected to be transformed by nanotechnology. Quantum dots, as an example are tiny light-producing cells which could be utilized to light up the room or even for other purposes like displays screens.

Silicon chips are already able to contain many components, but technology is now reaching its limits. At an optimum point, circuits are so tiny that when a molecule is out of place , the circuit won’t perform as it should.

Nanotechnology in Medicine

It could lead to major advancements in the field of medicine. Nanobots can be inserted through the arteries of a patient to remove obstructions. The procedure could be more effective and more precise. Damages could be treated cell-by-cell.

It is possible to treat genetic diseases through the repair of damaged genes. Nanotechnology can also be utilized to enhance the quality of drug production by tailoring drugs on the molecular level, making them more effective and lessen adverse negative effects.

Nanotechnology and environmental pollution

A few of the most outrageous futuristic scenarios that are threatening have been disproved by experts in the field of nanotechnology.


For instance, the “gray goo” scenario, in which self-replicating nanobots consume everything they can to create duplicates of them, was popularly discussed, but is not considered an actual threat.

However, it is likely that there will have negative impacts on the environment since pollution and new chemicals could be produced through nanotechnology.

The role of nanotechnology within Economic Revolution

Nanotechnology along with other technologies before it, will bring about massive changes in a variety of sectors of the economy.

While the products that are made possible through nanotechnology may initially be costly luxury items or items for the specialist market as they gain access the market will feel the effects.

Certain technologies and materials could be obsolete, resulting in companies that specialize in these sectors disappearing from the market. The changes in manufacturing processes brought on by nanotechnology could cause loss of jobs.


Nanotechnology in Security and Privacy

Nanotechnology has the potential to create micro-sized recording devices, which are virtually unnoticeable. In addition, it is possible that nanotechnology will be used to create weapons. Atomic weapons are simpler to make and innovative weapons may also be invented.

One possibility is the “smart bullet” which is a bullet computerized which could be controlled and targeted precisely. These advances could prove to be an advantage for the military. However, should they fall into unintentional hands, the results could be catastrophic.

Nanotechnology in Phyto-toxicity

Plants are an essential part of every ecosystem and are a key factor to determine the fate of and transportation of nanoparticles engineered (ENPs) within the natural environment via bioaccumulation and plant uptake (Xingmao and colleagues. 2010).

It is also crucial to note the fact that bioaccumulation, biomagnification, as well as biotransformation of nanoparticles engineered in food crops are not fully comprehended. Nanoparticles and plant species have been investigated with regard to the accumulation of and the subsequent presence of nanoparticles within food plants.

The most commonly observed ENPs in the natural environment fall into one of the following five categories: carbonaceous particles, quantum dots, metal oxides zero-valent metals.


They ENPs interact closely with their environment in turn ENPs are bound to interact with plants. The interactions, such as absorption and accumulation in biomass will significantly affect their fate and their movement in the environment. ENPs may also stick to the roots of plants and cause toxic chemical or physical effects on plants.

To interact with plants, ENPs need to be able to penetrate the cell walls and the epidermal plasma membranes layers of roots to get into the vascular tissue (xylem) for them to get absorbed and transferred through the stems to the leaves.

Cell walls that water molecules as well as other substances need to pass before entering roots are porous networks of polysaccharide fibers matrices. ENP aggregates having a size less than that of the biggest pore size are likely to pass through the plasma membrane, while larger particle aggregates won’t be able to enter cells of plants.

The authors, however, acknowledged that ENPs can trigger the formation of large and new pores that allow for an internalization process for large ENPs through cells’ walls.

Nanotechnology as well as Toxicity for Humans as well as Animals

All chemicals including arsenic, bisphenol A and table salt, can be harmful to living organisms, cells, or people at a certain degree. To interpret toxicological data It is important to determine the anticipated concentrations of engineered nanoparticles that could be found in water, air and soil.


One way to tackle the issue is to think about the ways that human populations at present and in the near future, could be exposed to nanoparticles made of engineered materials (Colvin 2003).).

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