Mixed Reality : The next phase of mixed reality will be the trend in computing. It will be followed by mainframes, computers, and mobile phones. Mixed reality is becoming mainstream for businesses and consumers. It frees us from screen-based experiences through the use of intuitive interactions with information in our daily spaces, as well as with our friends.
Online explorers, in the hundreds of millions of people around the world have experienced mixed reality using their handheld devices. Mobile AR offers the most widespread mixed reality experience available through social networks. Many people don’t be aware they are using AR filters that they employ in Instagram offer mixed reality experience.
Windows Mixed Reality takes all users’ experiences to a new level using amazing holographic representations of people and high-quality holographic 3D models, and the actual world surrounding them.
Mixed reality offers a combination of the digital and physical worlds that allows for the natural, intuitive and instinctual 3D of human computer as well as environmental interaction. The new reality is built on advances technology in the field of computer vision graphic processing, display technology as well as input systems and cloud computing.
The concept of “mixed real” was first introduced in a paper published in 1994 by Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino, ” A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays.” Their paper dealt with the concept of the virtuality continuum and the classification of visual displays.
The use of mixed realities has moved beyond displays and now includes:
- Understanding of the environment through spatial anchors and mapping.
- Human understanding: eye-tracking, hand-tracking in addition to speech.
- Spatial sound.
- Positioning and locations in both virtual and physical areas.
The input of the environment and perception
In recent years the relationship between humans and computers has continued to develop through input methods. A new field of study has emerged that is known as human-computer interaction, or “HCI”. Human input now includes keyboards mouse, keyboards, touch the voice of ink as well as Kinect Skeletal tracking.
The advancements in the field of sensors and processing create new computer visions of the environment built on advanced input techniques. This is the reason name APIs within Windows that provide information about the environment are known as perceptual APIs. The inputs from the environment can include:
- the body’s position within the world of physical reality ( head tracking)
- objects, surfaces along with boundary lines ( spatial mapping and understanding of the scene)
- ambient lighting and music
- Recognition of objects
- Physical physical
A blend of three fundamental components sets the scene to create truly mixed reality experiences.
- Computing processing is powered by cloud computing
- Innovative methods for input
- Environmental perceptions
When we move around the physical world the movements of our bodies are recorded within a digital world. Physical boundaries can affect mixed reality experiences like games, or task-based guidance within factories. When you add environmental input and perceptions that are triggered, the experience begins to blur between digital and physical realities.
Mixed reality spectrum
Mixed reality is a blend of physical and digital realities. Both of these realities are opposite ends of the spectrum that is known as the virtuality continuum. This spectrum of reality by the name of it is the dual reality spectrum. On one side on the spectrum there is physical reality in which humans live in. On the other side of this spectrum we’ve got the equivalent digital reality.
Augmented in comparison to. VR
The majority of smartphones that are available today come with very little or no capability to perceive the environment. The experiences they provide aren’t able to mix digital and physical reality.
The experiences that are augmented by overlaying graphics videos, audio streams or holograms on the real world are referred to as virtual reality. Experiences that block your vision to provide an entirely virtual experience can be described as called virtual reality. Experiences that change between virtual and augmented realities are referred to as mixed reality. you are able to:
- Set up a digital object such as a hologram in the real world as if physically there.
- A virtual world is a virtual world. A wholly virtual world exists only in the imagination of its creator.
In virtual reality, physical obstacles within their immediate environment such as furniture and walls are digitally represented within the experience , so that the user avoids hitting physical obstacles.
Virtual and augmented reality experiences that are available today constitute just a small portion of the wider blended reality range. Windows 10 is built with the whole spectrum of mixed reality in mind and lets you enjoy the blending of digital representations of people as well as places and objects together with real-world reality.
Experiences and devices
There are two primary kinds of devices that provide Windows Mixed Reality experiences:
- Holographic technology are distinguished by their capability to show digital objects exactly as they would appear within the actual world.
- Virtual reality devices are distinguished by their ability to create a sense presence by block out the world of physical reality and substitute it with an immersive digital experiences.
Experiences in mixed reality are due to technological advances. There aren’t any current devices which can provide experiences that span the entire spectrum. Windows 10 provides a common mixed reality platform to both device makers and developers. Each device supports a particular spectrum of mix reality range. In the future, devices that support a wider range are anticipated: Holographic devices will be much more immersive while immersive gadgets will also be than just holographic.
As an application or game designer What kinds of experiences do you wish to create? The experiences typically focus on one particular point or segment of the spectrum. It is important to think about the capabilities of the device you’d like to focus on. Experiences that depend on the physical world will work most efficiently on HoloLens.
- Moving towards Left (near real world). Users remain within their physical reality and are not made to believe that they’ve been removed from their reality.
- The middle (fully mixed reality). These experiences mix the real world and the virtual realm. For instance in the film Jumanji The physically constructed home in which the story was set was merged with a forest setting.
- To to the left (near virtual reality). Users experience digital reality, but are not aware of the physical environment surrounding them.
Read More : What exactly is virtual reality?