IoT | Internet of Thing | Overview 2022

IoT | In the last several years IoT has emerged as one of top technological advancements of this century. Today, we are able to connect everyday objects like kitchen appliances cars, thermostats and baby monitors and more to the internet through embedded devices and devices, it’s possible to have seamless communication between people, processes and even objects.

With the help of low-cost computing, cloud, large data analytics, and mobile technology physical objects can share and store data without human involvement. In this highly connected world digital systems are able to track, monitor and modify every interaction between connected objects. The physical world interacts with the digital world, and they work together.

What are the technologies that created IoT feasible?

While the concept of Internet of Thing is in use for quite some time, new developments in a range of different technology has allowed it to become a reality.

  • Access to affordable, low power sensor technology. Affordable and reliable sensors make IoT technology available to many more companies.
  • A host of protocols for internet connectivity makes it simple connecting sensors cloud as well as to other “things” to facilitate data transfer.
  • Platforms for cloud computing. The increase in cloud computing platforms allows both businesses and consumers to have access to the infrastructure needed to expand without being able to manage everything.
  • Analytics and machine learning. With advances in machine learning and analytics together with access to diverse and massive quantities of data saved in cloud storage, companies are able to gather information quicker and more efficiently. The rise of these related technologies is continuing to expand the limits of IoT and the data generated by IoT is also fed by these technologies.
  • Artificial intelligence conversational (AI). Advances in neural networks have brought natural language processing (NLP) to IoT devices (such as digital personal assistants like Alexa, Cortana, and Siri) and have made them attractive, affordable and practical for use at home.

What is industrial IoT?

Industrial IoT (IIoT) is the use to IoT technologies in the industrial setting, particularly in relation to the monitoring and control of sensors and devices that utilize cloud-based technologies. Check out this Titan Use Case PDF for an excellent illustration of IIoT.

In recent times, companies have utilized machine-to machine communication (M2M) to gain remote control and automation. With the advent of cloud technology and other related technologies (such as machine learning and analytics) industries are able to develop a new automation layer and, in turn, develop new revenue models and business models Here are some of the most commonly used applications for IIoT

  • Manufacturing with smart manufacturing
  • Connected assets, predictive and preventive maintenance
  • Smart power grids
  • Smart cities
  • Connected logistics
  • Supply chains with smart digital technology

Increase the value of your business with IoT

As IoT is becoming more prevalent on the market, businesses are leveraging the immense potential for business benefits it offers. The benefits are:

  • Insights based on data from IoT data, to improve the management of your business
  • Enhancing productivity and efficiency of business operations
  • Quickly and effortlessly connects the business world with the digital for quick time to value

IoT-related applications

Business-ready SaaS IoT Applications

IoT applications employ algorithms that learn to process huge amounts of connected sensor data stored in the cloud. Utilizing live-time IoT monitors, alerts and dashboards you are able to see key performance indicators, data on the mean time between failures and other data.

Machine learning-based algorithms can detect anomalies in equipment and issue alerts to the user and prompt automatic fixes or proactive countermeasures.

What are the ways IoT applications can be used?

The capacity of IoT to transmit sensor data and also enable device-to-device communications is driving vast array of applications. Here are a few of the most well-known applications and the functions they perform.


Enhance efficiency in the manufacturing process by utilizing monitors of the quality of products and machines

The machines can be monitored continuously and scrutinized to ensure they’re working within tolerances. The products can also be monitored in real-time to detect and correct the quality problems.

Enhance the tracker as well as “ring-fencing” for physical assets

The use of tracking allows businesses to swiftly identify the location of assets. Ring-fencing helps them make certain that assets with high value are safe from theft and loss.

Wearables are used to monitor health data of humans and environmental health conditions

Internet of Thing wearables allow people to learn more about their own health, and also allow doctors to monitor patients remotely. It also allows businesses to monitor the health and security of their employees, which is particularly beneficial for those working in dangerous environments.

Increase efficiency and create new opportunities in existing processes

One example is the application of IoT to improve efficiency and security within linked logistics to manage fleets. Businesses can utilize IoT tracking of fleets to guide trucks in real-time and increase efficiency.

Let business process changes be made

A good example of this is the application of IoT devices to monitor attached assets to check the condition of remote machines, and initiate service calls to ensure preventive maintenance.


Remotely monitoring machines is also opening the door to new business models based on product-as a service which means that customers do not have to purchase an item, and instead purchase it for their usage.

What industries can profit by IoT?

The best organizations for IoT would be those which can benefit from using sensors to improve your business operations.


Manufacturers have the potential to gain competitive advantage through the use of production-line monitoring that allows for the maintenance of equipment in advance when sensors warn of a possible malfunction. Sensors can detect the extent to which production output has been compromised.


Automotive manufacturers stand to gain significant benefits through the use of IoT applications. Alongside the advantages of incorporating IoT for production line monitoring, IoT sensors could detect imminent equipment failures in vehicles already on road, and notify the driver of any issues and suggestions.

Transportation and Logistics

Logistics and transportation system benefit from range in IoT applications. The fleets of trucks, cars vessels, trains, and ships which carry inventory can be routed according to the weather conditions, availability of vehicles and driver availability because of IoT sensor information.


The inventory itself could be equipped with sensors to provide tracking-and-trace as well as temperature-control monitoring.

What do you think IoT revolutionizing the world? Check out connected automobiles

IoT is revolutionizing the automotive by making connected automobiles. With IoT automobile owners will be able to manage their vehicles remotely. This can be done such as preheating the vehicle prior to when the driver enters the car, or calling cars via phone.

With IoT’s capability to allow communication between devices and even cars will be able to schedule their own scheduled service appointments when needed.

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