Hyper Text Markup Language Overview 2022

HTML is the abbreviation as Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used for the creation of web pages. It lets you create and layout of paragraphs, sections, and links by using HTML elements (the elements that makeup web pages) like tags as well as attributes.

HTML offers a wide range of applications

  • Web development. Developers employ Hyper Text Markup Language code to define the way browsers display elements on a website like hyperlinks, text, as well as media files.
  • Internet navigation. Users can navigate easily and add links between related websites and pages as Hyper Text Markup Language is widely utilized in embedding links.
  • web documentation. Hyper Text Markup Language allows you to arrange and format documents in the same way as Microsoft Word.

It’s also important to know that HTML isn’t considered to be a programming language since it isn’t able to develop dynamic functions. It’s now as an official web standard. It is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is responsible for maintaining and developing HTML specifications, as well as offering regular updates.

This article will cover the fundamentals of HTML as well as how it functions as well as the pros and cons and how it is related with CSS in conjunction with JavaScript.

A typical website contains many distinct HTML pages. For instance, a homepage page and an about page along with a contact form all be separate HTML files.

Hyper Text Markup Language documents are those which end with .html or .htm extension. A web browser scans the HTML file and renders the contents so that users can see it.


Every Hyper Text Markup Language pages contain a sequence of HTML elements. They are made up of tags and attribute. Hyper Text Markup Language components are basic components of a webpage. Tags inform the browser on the internet where the element’s beginning and ending point is and an attribute defines the features of the element.

The three primary components that constitute an element include:

  • The tag is used for opening – to indicate where an element is beginning to be effective. The tag is covered with the closing and opening angle brackets. For instance, you can make use of the tag that starts with
  • Content is the output that other users view.
  • Closing tag – identical to the opening tag, however by adding a forward slash prior to the element’s name. For instance, to close the paragraph.

Most Popular HTML Tags and HTML Elements

There are currently at present 142 HTML tags that allow the creation of different components. Although the modern browsers can no longer support certain tags, gaining knowledge of the various elements that are that are available is still useful.

This section will cover the most frequently used HTML tags as well as two major elements: block-level elements as well as inline elements.

Block-Level Elements

Block-level elements cover the entire width of the page. It always starts a brand new line within the document. For instance the heading element would be on a different page from the paragraph.

Every HTML page is based on the following three tags:

  • Tag is the primary element which defines the entire HTML document.
  • Tag stores meta data including the page’s name and the charset.
  • Tags contain all contents that appear within the web page.

HTML Evolution What’s the Difference? HTML and HTML5?


The initial version of Hyper Text Markup Language included 18 tags. Since then, every updated version was accompanied by additional tags as well as attributes that were added into the markup. The most significant improvement to the language thus far was the release of HTML5 in 2014.

The most significant major difference between HTML and HTML5 is that HTML5 allows for new types of forms controls. HTML5 added semantic tags that define the content.

The cons of HTML0

Like every other language on the computer, Hyper Text Markup Language has its strengths as well as its limitations. Here are the disadvantages of HTML:


  • Static. This language is used primarily to create static websites. To make your website dynamic you might need to utilize JavaScript or another backend scripting language like PHP.
  • Different Hyper Text Markup Language pages. Users must create separate websites to use HTML regardless of whether the elements are identical.
  • Browser compatibility. Some browsers adopt new features slowly. Sometimes older browsers don’t always render newer tags.

What Are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Related?

Hyper Text Markup Language is used to include elements of text and to create the structure of the content. But, it’s not enough to make an efficient and mobile website. Hyper Text Markup Language requires the assistance with the help of CSS (CSS) and JavaScript to build the majority of the content on websites.

CSS can be used to style things like layouts, backgrounds, colors spacing, and animations. However, JavaScript adds dynamic functionality such as pop-ups, sliders and galleries of photos. These three languages are the foundation in front-end programming.


Learning HTML, and Enhancing the quality of your HTML Knowledge

The process of learning about Hyper Text Markup Language can be the ideal starting point for anyone who are interested about web design.

There are many online courses for learning to code, however we’ve identified three of the most effective tutorial HTML databases:

  • The W3Schools offers examples, guides and exercises that will help you students master basic HTML at no cost. You can also take an online self-paced HTML tutorial, which costs $95 and comes with an official diploma.
  • Codecademy provides introductory classes for free, including interactive training. Codecademy employs a split-screen system that will show you the results of your code in your HTML file. The exclusive content is accessible for $19.99/month.
  • Coursera is a provider of a variety of classes that offer deep explanations with examples from real life. The monthly cost is $49 and comes with seven days of free trial available to get started.

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